Thursday, February 23, 2017

Star Trek Deep Space 9

I recently decided to start watching Star Trek Deep Space 9 from the very beginning. I have always liked Star Trek over Star Wars, but I hardly watched more than a few episodes of Deep Space 9. It was always the "weird one" to me. In my ranking of Star Trek series, TNG has always been first, followed by Voyager. I have always been indifferent to TOS (blasphemy, I know) and Enterprise was, well, stupid. As for Deep Space 9, I liked the episodes that I watched, but never watched the whole series.

Recently I downloaded a few of the top DS9 episodes and watched them on my travels. I was surprised to find that the writing was really good, edgy, and somewhat different than the usual Star Trek. Whereas TNG was always bright and sunny, DS9 didn't hesitate to delve into the dark side of humanity. With the series available on Netflix, I decided to watch the episodes from Season 1 and onwards on my daily commute to and from work.

My reviews might be slightly different from the usual Trek reviews. I am more philosophical (at least on blogs) and my reviews will explore some of the religious and current world implications of the episodes. So think of these as some type of Muslim/religious viewpoint of a review of DS9 - which is arguably the Trek that most explored religion (albeit Bajoran).

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