Monday, March 6, 2017

DS9S01E04: A Man Alone

4 stars.

Brief synopsis: There's a murder on board Deep Space 9, and the prime suspect is Odo, who is also leading the murder investigation.

This is a straight forward episode, very well written. So far Deep Space 9 has started well. The first two episodes (the season premier) was great, followed by a not so great but could've been episode, and then this one - another well crafted story. At the core of it is a murder mystery, and all the elements of what makes a good who dun it is there. Some misdirection, a couple of red herrings, everything pointing at the main suspect that you know is NOT guilty, no clue as to who the murderer is, before the reveal.

Where it loses out on being a really good story is that the reveal, while coming out of left field but still plausible, is arrived at too simply. The murderer has left some medical stuff in his room which Bashir finds, tests in his lab and voila the answer. It sounds a bit too easy, and Odo really didn't need to do much investigative work. Also, how is a non biologist so expert at this (without spoiling the episode that's all I can say)? The criminal doesn't seem to be that a genius, while the plot certainly is.

What is interesting is the mob mentality of the Bajorans, who are quick to turn on Odo once their own is murdered and he is the suspect. Is it simply because he is different, or that he was also working on the station during the Cardassian Occupation ?

Racism, remember, is one of the four things of Jahiliyyah that will be amongst the people till the end of times, according to Islam. And we see it all the time today. The same Americans that showed so much love to Muhammad Ali the boxer today questions his son with the same name for 2 hours at an airport simply because he is Muslim, or black, or both.

It is also disturbing how quick and easy it is to rouse a mob. I have had Serbian friends who talked to me about the Serbian civil war and how friendly neighbours turned on each other as communal unrest spread. Someone once told me minorities in Canada are living on the edge of a volcano - any time it may erupt. Hope that's not true.

I liked a few other things in this episode. Bashir pursuing Dax, and trying to master a puzzle while getting confused about Sisko's intentions to her. The frenemy relation between Odo and Quark. And Sisko finally laying down the law on Odo, after giving him wide liberty in the first couple of episodes.

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